Community Diabetes Support Group
"After 17 years, I no longer require insulin to manage my diabetes. Honestly, I love the Cherokee Diabetes Program!"
- Ulela Harris
I lost my parents and a sister from complications of diabetes. I have 8 brothers and sisters living with diabetes and I was diagnosed in 1993 and immediately went on insulin. In those days, before the SDPI, we were diagnosed, sent to a nutritionist and sent home with medication. In spite of my family history of diabetes I really didn’t understand the disease. My motivation to join the Cherokee Diabetes Prevention Program in 2007 came when I was at the clinic because my blood sugars were out of control, even though I was on the maximum dosage of insulin and oral medications.
I was shocked when the nurse suggested that my “central obesity” might be interfering with my medications. I left that clinic visit with an “I’ll show you” attitude and began attending diabetes education classes, the fitness center and cooking classes. With the support of the program staff, I have lost 35 pounds and in 2008 I was in control of my diabetes and no longer required insulin or oral medications. Honestly, I love the program. It has challenged me in new ways and given me the opportunity to take control of my diabetes, my health, and my future. Taking control of my diabetes enabled me to complete the first annual Cherokee Ironman-Ironwoman Triathalon which included a 3.2 mile run, 8 mile bike, and half mile swim!
Diabetes Program Participants
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Diabetes Care Providers
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