Community Diabetes Support Group
Catawba Indian Nation’s Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) partnered with the Catawba Cultural Center (who had received a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)) to establish community gardens. The Tribe was (and continues to be) able to combine financial resources and staff in order to promote traditional foods and activity through gardening. The strong Tribal partnerships helped make it a success and the programs were able to get a lot done with a small amount of staff by working together efficiently. There are now program gardens at these sites: daycare, Head Start, after school/summer camp, Boys and Girls Club, senior center, and the clinic. In addition, the SDPI began supporting home gardens by providing materials for raised beds at the homes of Tribal members. This year, the program completed requests for garden help with 23 families.
Traditional interest in gardening among Catawba Tribal citizens also helped because the efforts removed some of the obstacles to having successful gardens by providing materials, advice and support. Raised beds work well in areas where the soil is mostly clay by making it easier to maintain both improved soil and problems of too little or too much rain. Many of the people who have requested help are seniors or those with physical limitations who are unable to till and manage large gardens. The program has kept many seniors gardening in their 80’s. More young families are asking for assistance with their gardens because the raised beds are easier to maintain and make it more likely that the garden will be successful. More youth now have gardening skills and knowledge about traditional foods through the program gardens.
Gardens help keep people active, increase access to fruits and vegetables, which improves people's diets, helps prevent diabetes, and assists in controlling blood sugar levels. Almost 50% of Catawba Tribal citizens over 65 have diabetes and many have pre-diabetes. The gardens funded by SDPI are helping citizens of all ages prevent and control diabetes by living in a healthier community.
Diabetes Program Participants
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Diabetes Care Providers
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