The CDC/ATSDR Tribal Consultation Advisory Committee’s (TCAC) membership represents 12 geographic areas and is composed of 16 members (and designated alternates) who are either elected or appointed officials of Tribal Governments or representatives from national tribal organizations designated by Tribal leaders to act on their behalf. The TCAC meetings facilitate the exchange of views, information, and guidance concerning the intergovernmental responsibilities in the implementation and/or administration of CDC programs. NIHB facilitates the Biannual Tribal Consultation between the TCAC and the CDC. These Biannual Consultations enable many new contacts between CDC directors, program staff and Tribal leaders on critical information to the CDC on Tribal public health priorities.
The NIHB assists the TCAC with evaluating CDC program activities and providing key recommendations on how CDC can create and expand current program initiatives, hold state and academic institutions funded by CDC more accountable to assure CDC resources get to Tribal communities, and increase Tribal stakeholder’s access to CDC information including funding opportunities and technical assistance. The collaboration of the CDC, Area Tribal Health Boards and the TCAC is strengthened through the understanding, knowledge, and working relationship between the CDC and the established NIHB infrastructure to ensure that Tribal voices effectively inform priorities as they relate to contemporary public health issues facing Tribal communities.
CDC/ATSDR TCAC Membership List (PDF)
CDC/ASTDR Tribal Consultation Policy FAQ
Dr. Judith Monroe will serve as a Deputy Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Director of the Office of State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support (OSTLTS) beginning March 22, 2010. Dr. Monroe was the Immediate Past President of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and serves as the Vice Chair on the Board of Directors for the Public Health Accreditation (PHAB).
The National Indian Health Board has partnered with PHAB in a national effort to improve public health practice in Indian Country. Through her leadership on the PHAB Board, Dr. Monroe has shown a high degree of support for Tribal Public Health issues. Her appointment to this new position will strengthen the relationship between the Tribes and the CDC. NIHB congratulates Dr. Monroe and welcomes the continued collaboration with the CDC to improve the health of American Indian and Alaska Native people.
Click here to read the bio of Judith A, Monroe, MD, FAAFP (Director – Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support)
August 2009
August 11-13, 2009 - 3rd Bi-Annual CDC/ATSDR Tribal Consultation Session
Anchorage, Alaska
February 2009
November 20, 2008 - 2nd Bi-Annual CDC/ATSDR Tribal Consultation Session
November 18-19, 2008 - TCAC Meeting
For more information, contact Audrey D. Solimon at
National Indian Health Board