
About NIHB

Mission Statement
Established by the Tribes to advocate as the united voice of federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, NIHB seeks to reinforce Tribal sovereignty, strengthen Tribal health systems, secure resources, and build capacity to achieve the highest level of health and well-being for our People.

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) represents Tribal governments—both those that operate their own health care delivery systems through contracting and compacting, and those receiving health care directly from the Indian Health Service (IHS).

Located in Washington DC on Capitol Hill, the NIHB, a non-profit organization, provides a variety of services to tribes, Area Health Boards, Tribal organizations, federal agencies, and private foundations, including:

  • Advocacy
  • Policy Formation and Analysis
  • Legislative and Regulatory Tracking
  • Direct and Timely Communication with Tribes
  • Research on Indian Health Issues
  • Program Development and Assessment
  • Training and Technical Assistance Programs
  • Project Management

The NIHB continually presents the Tribal perspective while monitoring federal legislation, and opening opportunities to network with other national health care organizations to engage their support on Indian health care issues. The only organization of its kind; dedicated to strengthening healthcare for all AI/ANs


Raising Awareness

Elevating the visibility of Indian health care issues has been a struggle shared by Tribal governments, the federal government and private agencies. The NIHB consistently plays a major role in focusing attention on Indian health care needs, resulting in progress for Tribes.

The NIHB advocates for the rights of all federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes through the fulfillment of the trust responsibility to deliver health and public health services. Since 1972, the NIHB has advised the U.S. Congress, IHS federal agencies, and private foundations on health care issues of American Indians and Alaska Natives.

The NIHB staff maintains communication with Area Health Boards, national Indian organizations, Tribes along with American Indian and Alaska Native people. The NIHB gives voice to American Indian and Alaska Native health policy concerns through participation in national organizations ranging from the Association of State Medicaid directors to the Indian Health Service Leadership Council.


A Shared Goal—Quality Health Care

The future of health care for American Indians and Alaska Natives is intertwined with policy decisions at the federal level and changes in mainstream health care management. The NIHB brings Tribal governments timely information to help them effectively make sound health care policy decisions. The NIHB provides a vehicle to keep the flow of health care information in front of policy makers and Tribal governments manifesting progress in health care and strengthening Tribal sovereignty.

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National Indian Health Board
50 F St NW, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20001 | Phone: 202-507-4070 | Email: nihbcommunications@nihb.org